What it Means to be a Hacker

by | Jun 26, 2023

An ominous hooded man taps away in a dark room as green texts flood multiple screens. This is the mental image most people have when they hear ‘hacker,’ shaped by the media and entertainment industry. However, the common perception of hackers is rarely accurate.


So, what does it mean then to be a hacker?


The Stereotype


If the image associated with hackers by media is inaccurate, where does this false stereotype come from? Two forces perpetuate the stereotype: anonymity and the media spotlight. What do we mean by this?


Well, it is no mystery that hackers are seen as a secretive, shadowy group.

A scarcity of positive hacker public figures drives this public perception.  Thriving good hacking communities exist, like at DefCon, but the public rarely recognizes their members due to their specialized skills. The few names that catch the public eye are often linked to security scandals, like whistle-blowers Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, or Kevin Mitnick, a former FBI Ten Most Wanted fugitive.


For better or worse, this only serves the media’s ability to tell a fantastical tale so distant from the true nature of hacking. Many influential hacking groups, like Anonymous, have a decentralized structure, causing individuals to blend into the group.

The anonymity sought by these groups then fuels preexisting negative stereotypes and enhances the notoriety of cyber-activist collectives.

Media’s Role in the Perception of Hackers

Hacking and cybersecurity involve tedious, complex processes with many steps, protocols, and procedures. However, moviemakers often sensationalize and oversimplify real methods and situations to appeal to large audiences.

You often see someone typing at inhuman speeds, taking down infrastructures with just a few lines of code. Though it makes for good entertainment, this inaccurately represents an eclectic and layered community and trivializes what it so passionately stands for.


With this in mind, the question stands: What does hacking truly stand for?


What is Hacking?


To juxtapose the stereotype mentioned above, what does a hacker genuinely look like? Well, the only honest answer is that there is no answer. The truth is there is no definitive look to hackers. Hackers come from a wide range of backgrounds, races, ethnicities, and education levels. To emphasize this point further, let us analyze the following image:


Left to right: Kevin Mitnick, American computer security consultant, author, and convicted hacker. Amanda L Rousseau, Offensive Security Unicorn @ Meta Red Team. Santiago Lopez Ethical Hacker at HackerOne. Photo credits go to the authors.


Do you know what these three people have in common? They are all hackers. This picture proves an irrefutable fact: Hackers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Therefore, if no set visual cue distinguishes hackers from regular folk, what truly defines hackers or hacking?

Defining Hacking and Hacker Categories

Hacking is discovering ways to use software, computers, and networks for unintended purposes. It can involve gaining unauthorized access, denying legitimate users, stopping services, stealing data, or improving system operations. Surprisingly, despite how sinister the previous uses for hacking might sound, the intention behind them is not always malicious.


Actually, given by their intention, there are several categories under which hackers can fall. We will analyze three: black hat, white hat, and grey hat hackers.


  • Black hat hackers are those who use their computer and networking skills for illegal purposes or personal gain. They can use their knowledge to hack into systems by gaining unauthorized access, stealing confidential information, or disrupting computer or network services. One of the major ways this type of hacker profits is by holding stolen information “hostage” until they receive a sum of money for its “release.”
  • White hat hackers are the antithesis to black hat hackers. They are the “good guys” of the hacker world. They put their knowledge and skills to use by unearthing vulnerabilities for systems they have permission to hack. This is done so that the company become aware of said vulnerabilities and patch them. Many times the actions required in this process are the same ones a malicious hacker would make, the only difference being company authorization.
  • Grey hat hackers, as the name suggests, grey hat hackers fall between ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ They find vulnerabilities without permission but with good intentions. They may inform the company about the vulnerabilities and charge for the information or for fixing them. Now, where the grey area comes in is the illegal nature of performing these vulnerability tests without authorization. Additionally, if the company in question does not pay the grey hacker in a timely fashion, the hacker might expose these exploits to the Internet or use them himself against the company.


Addressing Misconceptions About Hackers

There’s more to hacking than a negative connotation, so let’s analyze some ways in which hacking can be properly represented while still warning the public of valid risks concerning threat actors.

Misrepresentation and Its Consequences

The primary reason that hackers have such a negative reputation is ignorance. Most people are not aware of what cybersecurity and, consequently, being a hacker involves. Therefore, the only way to address this issue is to increase exposure – by accurately and truthfully depicting who hackers genuinely are and what they represent. So, how can this be carried out?

Shifting the Media Narrative

The first step is for the media to rely less on sensationalism and more on accuracy when depicting tales about hackers. For example, let’s examine the success of Mr. Robot, an Emmy-winning hit series that showed the life of a cybersecurity engineer turned hacker-vigilante by night. The success of this series was owed to an excellent script and not sensationalized hacking sequences. The show writers also took great care in consulting with a team of real hackers while writing the script. This resulted in a series beloved by hackers and common folk alike.


Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson in the popular series Mr. Robot. Photo: David Giesbrecht/USA


The real hacking community


It would be foolish to ignore the real threat presented by malicious or black hat hackers. Therefore, it is necessary to establish campaigns advocating for healthy cybersecurity practices, at an enterprise and public level. In these campaigns, knowledge on threat actors, security risks, and best practices would be imparted, equipping people to protect themselves from real threats.


The hacking community has long been misrepresented. This is due to inaccurate depictions by the media, the notoriety of some cases involving hackers, and the very nature of hacker groups and the community they may or may not represent. Media creators paying more attention to detail when telling stories regarding hackers and campaigns advocating for awareness of cybersecurity would help tremendously create a safer and more knowledgeable cyber-world.


Now, are you interested in becoming a white-hat hacker? Learn more.